White Golden Retriever puppies for sale
The White Golden Retriever puppies for sale, traces its roots back to Scotland. This breed was created in 1864 when Lord Tweedmouth bought a so-called “yellow retriever” named Nous. golden retriever price This dog was bred to a liver-colored Tweed Water Spaniel that was named Belle. This was the foundational pairing that made the first dogs that would come to be known as Golden Retrievers.
Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale Near Me
Golden Retrievers are sporting dogs, and they can be very high-energy due to this. This can be charming and also frustrating if you have a small house or a small yard. golden retriever This dog also is very good at swimming, hiking, and fetching due to its breeding history. golden retriever puppies nc This dog was originally created to fetch waterfowl that had been shot down by hunters and bring them back. white golden retriever puppies
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever